My Story

I am a practicing physician in Gadsden, Alabama. I was raised in Mumbai, India and trained in family medicine at the Flower Hospital in Sylvania, Ohio. 

I am now a resurgent physician, a recovered bypass surgery patient, a septuagenarian athlete, a heart-healthy speaker, a holistic health and wellness consumer, and a proponent of whole-food, plant-based diet.

But until 2009, I was just an experienced physician, a couch potato, and a pampered consumer who feasted over the best foods without worrying about unhealthy consequences, because like many, I believed that, "Heart disease won't happen to me."

In August 2009, at the age of 61, open-heart surgery knocked at my door and my world came crumbling down. 

Fortunately for me determination ran deep in my veins, so I decided to completely change my life.

So, reincarnated into a new life to stay true to the meaning of my first name, Akil−the "wise."

A year after my bypass surgery, I undertook a mountaineering trek to Mount Kailash (altitudes of 19,000 feet) in Tibet. In October 2011, I ran my first full marathon (26.2 miles or 49.19 kilometers), the Chicago Marathon, and in September 2012, I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world.

Over the last decade, I have overcome acute and chronic medical ailments to indulge in century cycling, triathloning, skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, and white water rafting.

This was possible because I changed my lifestyle to incorporate healthy eating habits, an exercise regimen, and regular practice of yoga and meditation.

Video of Yoga Headstand (Sirsasana)

I also pushed myself into areas that tested my vulnerabilities and capabilities, namely, triathlons and mud race.

I am an eternal optimist, explorer, and adventurer.

As an author and speaker, I stay focused on spreading the message of a heart-healthy lifestyle.

As an athlete and veganism proponent, I have benefited tremendously by adopting a plant-based diet and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

And as a resurgent physician, I leverage medical science and lifestyle medicine to treat the underlying cause of the disease and not just the consequence of the disease. 

Blessed am I to be happily married with two children and an adorable grandson. 

Up to the age of sixty-one, I was my biggest impediment to progress, and then I became my biggest change agent. And now at age seventy-three, I am living a life of purpose, peace, and contentment, doing everything I love.

I implore and invite you to do so too. 

Let’s start a conversation.

Please write to me at or connect with me on social media!

Thank You.

Have a Heart-Healthy Week.